Thursday, October 19, 2006

I Should Be. . .

1. Paying more attention to my family
2. Working on the Knight's chain mail for my son's halloween costume
3. Reading Kate Atkinson's Behind the Scenes at the Museum. I loved Case Histories and am excited to hear her read at Diesel, a Bookstore
4. Tackling my ever-growing stack of unread New Yorkers
5. Sleeping


I've discovered the best store ever! It's just a hop, skip and a jump throught the Caldecott tunnel. And I foresee much hopping in my future. Cotton prints, lovely wools, felt (both wool and wool blend), sewing notions, trims, wool embroidery floss - all to feed my ballooning craft habit.

A visit yesterday yielded all the bits and pieces that I'll be using for my next creation. I'll post a teaser shot later. . .

Meanwhile, Sam would like to say hello.

He's a sharp-dressed man:

Rosie's pleased as punch to have a new friend. . . and, ahem, a new nose.

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