Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Running With Scissors

Starting off slowly on my reentry to blogland, with an update and some pictures. . .

I had a minor epiphany today, and I am now TOTALLY inspired to approach the holidays with all the craftiness I can muster! My goal is to make this as much of a Handmade Holiday as possible. Of course, there will still be some store-bought goodies, but if I can minimize the commercial aspect of the season and highlight the joy of creating, I will be very pleased. I have a few swaps that I'm working on, but once they're wrapped up my creative energy will need to be directed towards the handmade gifts I've got planned for my immediate friends and family. I'm not deluding myself that this is going to be an easy task, but I think it's manageable if I start now. : ) This is my early New Year's resolution. . .

Never a post without a little eye candy - here's my little bat, in a costume I made from an umbrella! I'm pleased with my execution, but can't take credit for the idea. Instructions courtesy of Lenore.

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